wild like children

here's a decision i made. i'll make autumn and winter into summer this year... no matter what i said before about not working in this seasons. i'll try my best and i'm going to make this work. i'll try to breathe and live as much freedom and happiness, high spirits and cockiness as when there is always sun around. because no matter if there is sun around or not. there is always love around. and if my heart and soul is finally going to explode because it is always way too full, i want it to happen because it is overwhelmed with love and good things and not with melancholy. now that's a plan.

i'm going to work on new pieces and patterns the whole weekend. and i'm still going on with the relaxing programm... knitting, wandering through the city, eating wonderful food and reading. this summer i read "the children of bullerby" in the park and at the lake. now they are huge role models in the freedom-thing.

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