lately there were a couple of shows and markets with good morning - midnight. there was the modepalast in vienna and last weekend the frauenkunshandwerksmarkt ottensheim. i like doing these exhibitions even though they are so much work and i was so exhausted after that last weekend... still ottensheim was very special. well, not so much for the weather because it was raining like crazy and there were not so nice winds. but it's kind of a very impressive little city. and i liked linz. there was awesome vegetarian food and there were great bars...
after i had finished unpacking at home i had to finalize the work on a custum order... and after that i had something like a little meltdown. things were heavy these last weeks and months. i tend to not realizing how much i'm working and doing and how little rest i get. so i decided to leave the city for a couple of days. and to do some work that is really, really relaxing. i've made jam and syrup. lavender. mint. and balm. the lavender syrup is awesome. it's pink and oh so wonderful. and the jam is made of currant and black currant. next thing i'd love to do is home made soap...
Nice blog pictures!